A raise credit score is an important part of your financial profile. This is because a credit score will determine whether lending institutions and banks will let you borrow money or not. This is especially important to people who would want to borrow money to put up a business. With a bad credit score, it is not only a business loan that you will have no access too. You can even be rejected when you apply for a car loan, a school loan, a housing loan and even a credit card.
A credit score is the result of your whole credit history. It is determined by the way you handle your debts and credits. Do you pay them early and regularly? Have you had a lot of bad and late payments? Do you have a lot of credit cards and have big debts in all of them.
These will all determine just how high or low your credit score will be and whether you like it or not, these things are being recorded and filed by credit bureaus and credit reference agencies such as Equifax, TRansUnion and Experian. These three agencies are in charge of keeping tabs and recording credit histories of people.
In fact, in the USA, Americans are given a free credit report every year by these three agencies. However, credit scores are not part of it. If people want to know their credit score, they have to purchase the information via the internet through these three agencies’ websites.
If you do have a bad credit score, do not fret because it is not yet the end of the world. Actually, credit scores may be improved if you have the drive to do it. Here are some of the factors that may affect the credit score.
Also, some banks consider people who have applied in different financial institutions for a loan dubious and suspicious.
We represent new beginnings and new hope for those in need of a better tomorrow with improved credit scores.
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